1. What is something you are loving right now?
I am loving the cooler weather that we are having as well as the progress that I'm making with my genealogy research.
2. Paris, Venice, New York, and Rome are considered four of the most romantic cities in the world. Which one would you most like to visit?
I think of the four choices given, it would be a tie between Venice and Rome. Rome would probably win.
3. Are you a romantic?
I think that maybe in some ways I am, but generally I am a practical, logical person.
4. What's your favorite love story made for the Big Screen?
There are several, but the first two to come to mind are Gone With the Wind and The Quiet Man. Both are full of love of people and place and way of life.
5. Everyone loves Pooh bear and friends...which character are you most like and why? Click here for help in answering this question.
Eeyore is the one that I am the most like and I think that he's the cutest of all of Pooh's friends, too.
6. What's the best chocolate something you've ever eaten?
I don't know about being the best that I've ever eaten, but right now the best that I can think of is Blue Bell's Dutch Chocolate ice cream. It is super yummy!
7. Share a favorite quote about love.
This is one of many favorites:
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach... Elizabeth Barrett Browning
I really like this one, too:
I love thee, I love but thee, With a love that shall not die, Till the sun grows cold, And the stars grow old. William Shapespeare
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I don't know why things have to be so hard, almost always. One thing that I'm learning more and more every day is that my faith should not be in this person or that person. Humans can and will disappoint and cause pain. I should put my faith solely in Heavenly Father. I believe in Him and He is there for me. I am never truly alone, no matter how alone I may feel at any given moment. He will never leave me nor forsake me.
"...I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Hebrews 13:5
#8-hard lesson for all of us to learn. I think its one most of us are continually learning.
ReplyDeleteI'm not an Eeyore but he is my favorite!
Hi Joyce! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I agree with you; it is a very hard lesson to learn and I'm wondering if I'll ever get it right.
DeleteI think that Eeyore is adorable and have managed to collect several baby Eeyore plush toys. :)
Have a great weekend!