21 January 2013

Desperate Plea

My family is in a desperate situation at the moment. First and foremost, we need prayer. The recent hospitalization of my husband has thrown our finances into a downward spiral that appears to have no way up.

In an effort to help meet an immediate need for our children, I am offering for $1 (or whatever you feel led) the first sixty prompts from the 365 prompt book that I have been working on. This, too, got sidetracked while we dealt with health issues, but I am back to working on it.

If you would be interested in purchasing this snippet of "365 Writing Prompts of My Own", please let me know. Please e-mail me at: Suzanne McClendon

Thank you for your consideration and most of all for your prayers!


  1. sending thoughts and prayers your way!
    god bless you all.


    1. Thank you, Betty. The thoughts and prayers are much appreciated.

      May Our Father bless you, too. Have a great week!

  2. I'm so sorry about your situation Suzanne. Sending positive healing thoughts and vibes your way.

    1. Thank you, Nancy. We appreciate it very much. Things can only go up from here, right? :)

      Have a great week!


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